I can hardly believe we read 1984 High School. It shook me to the core as a 17 yrs old. Catholic curriculum at the turn of the century.

Joe S. sent us that comment about the Club of Rome and it got me thinking about everything that is going on right now. I recall how the erudite Alan Watt used to refer to the Club of Rome often. Alan Watt had a broad knowledge base and I can’t believe he passed on four years ago already. He lived all the way up there near Sudbury Ontario. When he was sick we emailed back and forth and I told him to move South to the States where the weather was better, but he died. I don’t think he was that old.
It’s actually coming to pass
The futurists and propagandists who wrote books like 1984 were all on the inside and had a lot of this esoteric knowledge. Orwell knew a lot about this, but based on his other writings and interviews and such, I could see that he was not well adjusted to it. Maybe there’s a little bit of Winston Smith in him. Maybe there’s a little bit of Winston Smith in all of us and we’re all just too stupid to figure it all out on our own.
I can sit and contemplate for days trying to figure out if Donald Trump is one of them or a willing stooge. I suspect he’s a little of both. Even he isn’t that far up and all this stuff is on a need to know basis.
I also note that Donald Trump did not swear on the Bible. While JD Vance swore his oath on the Bible, Donald Trump kept his hand down by his side while his wife held two Bibles, unused. I doubt that was by chance. While this is not completely unprecedented, I do take note.
Three blocs with 10 kings
The Israelites are in tatters. They are completely demoralized and in the dark. The organized churches have really done their job. I tip my hat to the masters at the top. Their goal is nearly achieved.
I appreciate the insight that people like Joe S. and you have contributed to the blog over the years. I’m always learning, while being reminded of things that I have forgotten.
I guess a part of the Great Tribulation is having to deal with 10 Kings who will have their hour with the beast. Will Trump be the first King of the North American region? Will it be a three bloc system like Orwell?
Will Pope Francis, who is #112 in Malachy’s prophecy, truly be Petrus Romanus and the last Pope? We are soon going to find out.
My blog and writings borrow a lot from Orwell, because it is easily apparent that he knew all about this stuff. He was an insider who never quite fit in. Nevertheless, it’s hard not to take note of what is transpiring as we speak and not marvel at the proximity to the finished product.
When it gets to the point that Trump is discussing annexing Canada and Greenland, we know the time is almost here for the end. Mark my words, Trump did not come up with this idea. It was given to him.
Are we near the end?
When I say we are near the end, I mean it will be the end for the remnant Bible man, the small remnant man. A small Israelite remnant man can’t live in a world of 10 kingdoms with one Jewish leader at the top. The world has never existed with all the different races living in harmony. It never has and it never will. The Bible is clear on this, which is why it is increasingly being considered hate speech.
The people who will survive in this world will be taking their injections with a mark. They will have their smartphones and will tap their screen to indicate their allegiance. This will identify their loyalty to that system. If more than 80% of American adults took an actual bioweapon injection, whether willingly or under duress, more than 80% will take the mark. It’s that’s simple.
The people continue to get sicker and most don’t even see it. There’s complete denial from so many people, especially in the so-called truther community. Do you blame them? They are obsessed with all things concerning Donald Trump. Trump is being allowed to do what he’s doing as his supposed enemies are standing down.
Any righteous indignance from other national leaders to Donald Trump’s so-called MAGA initiatives seems to melt away when they get that whisper in their ears. Most recently it has been from Petro in Columbia. I note the flimsy resistance from Greenland and Danish leaders. I suspect Canadians will vote close to 50% to be effectively annexed by the United States. The media will proclaim that it was all grassroots and done out of national defense.
It’s time for survival mode
I contracted the bioweapon known as covid twice and the first time was God-awful. I couldn’t taste nor smell for six months. My wife never listened to me and she got injected and now has sundry autoimmune issues. I myself never had struggled with an autoimmune disease in my life, and there I was, suffering from the worst type of sudden onset psoriatic arthritis. My hands and feet swelled up like painful balloons, my arm and leg were covered in plaqueing sores, my bones felt like glass rods, and I had difficulty getting out of bed and walking down the stairs.
I was blessed to stumble upon an effective cure for my condition. Unfortunately, for every person like me who can solve his own health issues, there are 99 others who are hopelessly dependent on the system.
I’d be a fool if I didn’t take fenbendazole and ivermectin as a preventive and effective cure. Of course, I stumbled upon it all by accident and through divine intervention. I’m not going back to that. For now, I can buy ivermectin and fenbendazole pills for about 10 cents a piece from India. But eventually that will be closed up, which is why I bought nearly 2,000 more pills.
I don’t have time to argue with people anymore over the trivial and pedantic. I’m just thinking pragmatically from here on out and I suggest we all do the same. When it comes to my blog, I am now of the mindset that the reader just take it or leave it. If you don’t like what I say, just leave and go somewhere else.
Everything, I mean everything, that is required to bring about the Great tribulation according to scripture is now in place. Everything is in place. The technology is here and, for the first time, humanity is now ready for the appearance.
What breaks my heart is to know of the misery that the people will have to endure from here on out. The sickness and death, the financial heartache, the spiritual euthanization and misery, is only going to intensify. And, just as these financial engineers think that they’ve achieved the ultimate goal of a One World Government, the whole thing is going to blow apart in a catastrophic series of events culminating in a terrible terrible war.
So, please excuse me for being abrupt and curt. It’s not like I don’t care. It’s just that I know that if someone hasn’t figured it out yet, they never will.
For the very few who stop by this blog, I tell you there is a little bit of Winston Smith in all of us.
You are running an old version of human DNA. Please install the updates.
I did a little searching to see if the quote from Bessant in the link I posted before is real.
Maybe it is. No more income tax.
Scott Bessent has been confirmed as US Treasury Secretary, advocating for universal tariffs starting at 2.5%. He aims to eliminate taxes, implement a consumption tax, and adopt a gold-backed currency, marking a new economic era under President Trump.
I heard that Trump said if immigrants won’t say what country they came from, and where they want to be sent to, it defaults to Somalia.
LOL. Based AF.
That Somalia stamp gonna wear out fast.
You are delusional to keep insisting that you got the fake disease covid. Viruses do not exist. THERE IS NO COVID. THERE NEVER WAS ANY COVID. You got a bad flu. Nobody knows what the flu is. Your drug that “cured” your flu only reduces symptoms. Genuine healing is done by nutrition, rest, eliminating the toxins that caused it, your body and God when you follow Gods laws.
You are the expert on financial shenanigans and Israelites in 21st century and apocolypse. Please stop misinforming your readers on medical disinfo because you have not studied it enough from the truthtellers.
Lol…not so. Of course there are biological weapons and they were used. If you had eyes to see you wouldn’t write as such. Stones right on the mark. No pun intended.
“,,,follow Gods laws”
The truthtellers embrace spiritual excercises like meditation (Cowan) and karezza. (Baileys). I could go on, but that’s the obvious ones. I never listened to any of these people but I heard about it all the time. My wife listened and also stopped when she spotted the spiritual BS. Her mother is a kook so she is particularly sensitive.
My wife advised Sam Bailey how to wash her hair without shampoo when she was one of their Patreon donors. So much for understanding biochemistry. 🤣
I read years ago that Stalin added 1984 (or at least parts of it) to the school curriculum in the Soviet Union. Tim? Do you know anything of this? Can you confirm or refute?
Here in NZ, school kids studied Mein Kampf (just 20 years ago; not sure if they still do). I’m sure it was in a critical way, to spin it was some kind of anti-bible, the source of hate.
The point is that the true meaning of a book can always be flipped. It’s banned but they force kids to read certain parts of it. Clown world.
So if the Soviets used 1984 as a warning to kids, was it a joke? Was the purpose to confuse the kids? Or did they believe their system was less repressive?
It is said the Denmark is from the tribe of Dan. Stone, do you believe in the British Israel story, or something else?
Video: Is the Bible a Jewish book?
Did (((they))) plagiarise it all? Were the stories all written by white men and collected into a book by the Jews in 700 AD? Is that what happened? The first five books were perhaps assembled first, and I guess the Jews don’t care about the OT canon. Is that correct? Why is it regarded as a Jew book. How did that happen?
It is in Hebrew because it was copied into that language and then promoted above older versions? Hebrew is at least in part derived from Egyptian and the Hebrew alphabet is a later form of Demotic. Is that true? Just wondering what the theory is here.
Texe Marrs, who has since passed on, mentioned a few times that 1984 was one of Hillary Clinton’s favorite books. He said it was because she didn’t identify with Winston, but rather identified with O’Brien. She actually saw the party as providing an effective means in governing the masses.
We have to understand that those in control will often refer to a Book like 1984, not because they are worried the reader might find something out. They use it to reinforce their power over the masses. In other words, don’t fight big brother.
While most readers will view Winston as the protagonist, those in control view him as the antagonist.
Bob, I never heard that. I know that Animal Farm was banned in the USS, so can’t see how 1984 would be allowed. But as Stone noted, it could be an externalization of the hierarchy thing where they get power out of telling you, beforehand, what they will do.
Headlines say Trump wants to eliminate the income tax. I guess this ties into tarrifs of foreign good.
about the ivermectin I went to indiamart and it says composite is salt. so do you feel it’s actual medicine or salt mixed in with something, which can create a placebo type effect.
Yeah, I’m not concerned about it. I did research first in the web there wasn’t anything saying the Indian drugs in general were fakes. India Mart is a legit site and their vendors are rated. It’s ivermectin. Ivermectin is cheap to make. Farmers and ranchers in india buy ivermectin by the bucket full and mix it in their feed. The pills are sealed in blister packs with the manufacturer and serial numbers. The only thing I noticed is that it’s made simply. I mean it’s not time released, etc. I swallow it immediately as it can dissolve quickly and tastes awful. Each pill only has 12mg, so the bulk of it is filler. There are also 3 and 6 mg. pills.
And a healthy anti-thesis:
Beware of the common logic fallacies that permeate the so-called alt media.
One good suggestion in that article is to look at MSDS sheets, the trouble is that most people can’t understand what is on them and so will search for popular opinion. IVM is a lot less toxic than a lot of things (like ibuprofen or alcohol consumption) especially at the dose we are talking about on this blog. Fenbendazole even less so. Counterfeiting gets dealt with pretty harshly in these source countries and really, I don’t see what would be gained by counterfeiting here with this product.
I have been around IVM for 45 years which is hard for me to even believe sometimes. I don’t understand why some people are so contrary to its use – they should show us some data if they have it.
Trump will probably want to introduce another sort of tax scheme that will be more congruent with the rest of the world. I suspect he wants to scrap the IRS and replace the income tax with a VAT and national sales tax scheme. These taxes are more prevalent in other countries.
By doing away with the income tax, we theoretically have much lower levels of tax avoidance and evasion. In this instance, federal taxes would be primarily collected at the point of sale for instance, it’s much more difficult to avoid taxes. It could be collected through distribution of products and tariffs.
Here is the big problem. If Trump gets his way and does away with the income tax regime, he will go to taxes collected at the point of sale. Thus, it will be imperative for the federal government to track and trace every transaction that takes place. This would mean that cash transactions are in the crosshairs for elimination. There would be no more private transactions and everything would have to be on the books. This is the only way the federal government could enforce a VAT or national sales tax.
Tracking sales by a business is not necessarily the same as tracking purchases by customers.
Hopefully the distinction is maintained, but we’ll see.
Here in NZ all sales are tracked for 15% GST reasons, and businesses must collect the GST and hand it over, minus the GST they spend on supplies. This means the sales tax can be collected, but the sales can still be anonymous.
Possibly they will do that to start with and then increase tracking to “reduce fraud and evasion”. I think it’s possible to do it without tracking the public though. Just remove income tax and put a 30% GST on everything. Businesses are better equipped to deal with tax anyway.
It’s a good idea on it’s face, but they’ll find ways to make it worse. Everything always gets worse.
That’s right. It’s collected at each point of distribution and/or whenever “value” is added to products during the production and wholesale chain.
In New Mexico, they actually have sales taxes on services. For instance, there’s a sales tax on brokers and real estate agents commission. It’s paid at the table. Whenever anyone provides a service in New Mexico they are required to collect sales tax.
This could be another scheme as well.
They could also begin some sort of ad valorem tax scheme in which taxes are collected on assets based on their value. Property taxes are one such scheme. There are many different ways to collect substantial amounts of taxes.
I doubt very much Donald Trump will be able to get much implemented as these overhauls are extremely complex and the psychology of taxes in the United States is deeply engrained.
However, if Trump becomes like a dictator and his enemies and opponents continue to stand down, he could get a substantial amount of his platform implemented. If it turns out to be politics as usual and the Democrats take control of the levers of Congress or Trump begins to stumble politically, I doubt he’ll get a lot of his stuff done. Only time will tell on this.
The more I study Trump’s platforms, the more I’m convinced he has nothing to do with it, but he’s a silver tongue devil whose role is to deceive the conservative dummy masses.
Politicians are spokesman, or carnival barkers at best. The technocrats and SOS are in control! Here is a quote from Carroll Quigley from 1966 that is interesting. The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations…
‘It must not be felt that these heads of the world’s chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (also called ‘international’ or ‘merchant’ bankers) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks.’
Propaganda placement….
Trump wants to make Canada part of the US. Some Canadians are interested
As the 47th president continues to suggest Canada could become a ‘51st state,’ Holly Baxter speaks to the Canadians who think he might have a point
As to your point about all nations not made to be one. I use to work for a small engineering co. in north Jersey back in the 90s and it was owned by a Turkish Muslim and a Jew. The workforce was like the UN. I was fired of course and a little while after I left there is a news story on TV . One of the black guys who worked there stabbed one of the obnoxious Pakistanis in the neck. Glad they let me go.
I’m surpised it wasn’t the other way around.
I worked with a Muslim kid years ago, before anyone even knew what a Muslim was. I got the distinct feeling that I needed to keep watch when he was holding a screwdriver. He was crazy, very angry, and kept talking about how Muslims were the best fighters because they looked forward to dying in battle. The kid had a white father and was raised in NZ but still thought like that. Maybe as he got older he calmed down. Not sure. There must have been plenty of militants at his mosque I reckon.
Whites are like goldfish suddenly surrounded by Piranhas, with no idea what their new friends really want.
I can think of two other science fiction writers who had a clue of future events:
1) Ray Bradbury
2) Aldous Huxley
Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 predicted a future of serious censorship and a lot of his stories discuss nuclear war. Martian Chronicles foretells the colonization of Mars. Another one of his stories discussed the extinction of the caucasian race.
Aldous Huxley’s best book is Brave New World where people are genetically engineered for specific functions in society and given substances to deaden their minds.
I also read George Orwell’s 1984 and it is depressing and scary. Even with Trump, we are heading towards 1984 as Elon Musk is implementing the beast technology. A socialist Democrat will finish the job after 2028.
It is very depressing how most people around me have no clue that they are being used and exploited and do not question the system. Everybody is breathing easy now that Trump is back.
I say not so fast. While Trump is a 100 times better than Bidet, he is not Jesus Christ. Trump is taking orders from the same evil boss that Biden answered to.
I had some correspondence with Alan Watt before he died. I sent him a donation and he sent me his three books Cutting Through. I have had to re-read sections periodically as my own understanding evolves, I wish he was still around so I could ask some questions. He concluded that we are Esau due to ruddy appearance. He associated Jacob with Jubal because they both dwelt in tents. The rest of what he writes after that gets a little murky for me because I can’t accept that error, but I still think he was mostly right.
I find it funny that someone can read your blog for years, get something fundamental wrong like who Japheth is and want to argue with you about what you know. The 1611 KJV has several images at the beginning depicting the family tree, one in particular of Noahs family tree. It is easy to see who is who to interpret Ezekiel 38 and 39 and it even gives chapter and verse where the relationship can be found. Old fashioned hand drawn cheat sheets, available from a simple image search if you don’t have the hard copy. Whats to argue?
Yeah, I guess he was picking and choosing what stood out to him. Anyone with any objectivity who truly comprehends the Bible as a history textbook and instruction manual for the last days can deduce Where the Israelites ended up. It’s really not that difficult. It just takes an open mind and a firm grasp of biblical nomenclature.
So far, Trump has deported about 500 people a day, since he’s been in office. If there are up to 30 million here illegally, it will take him 100 years to achieve his goal, while his followers cheer him on
I see Trump continues to support Ukraine like the Democrats.
There is no way we are going to get rid of all the illegals that came in the last four years. The damage has been done. When they register to vote, the commucrats will come back with a vengeance. The Republicans never completely reverse the damage done by the demonrats. It is always set up that way.
If they were serious they would provide free bus tickets and plane rides, amnesties, repatriation stipends, legal assistance, etc to immigrants that want to leave. (You know, the same things that were used to get them into the US in the first place.)
Many will want to leave with the pressure turned up, but they are scared of going anywhere near the border with ICE crawling all over it. We all know how brutal American cops can be.
The best way to make all the immigrants leave is to make them want to leave, and help them leave. As it is right now, even if they wanted to return to Mexico or wherever, how can they do it? The US govt should help them do it. That would get rid of a lot more of them.
It’s all fake and gay, like everything these days. At least they are removing a few criminals.
Its like watching a magic show. The illusion is spectacular, but as they say, don’t confuse activity with results!
I can relate to your, we all have some Winston in us. Its the human condition and the synagogue is very adept at grinding and demoralizing the world! Especially those that Know the Truth! The vast majority are the walking dead and can not and will not hear. As it says, we have to let the dead, bury the dead.
One thing I noticed about 1984 was that the proles didn’t have the same surveilance as the party functionaries like Winson. They didn’t need telescreens or any of that. They were for the most part oblivious. I might be wrong about that since I only read the book once, but it makes sense to do it that way.
Yes. There was moderate amount of surveillance for the proles, mostly like omnipresent cameras and snitches. The proles accounted for about 85% of the population.
When Winston was being tortured by O’Brien, Winston exclaimed that the proles would overturn everything eventually. But O’Brien said, the proles meant nothing and are utterly incapable of determining their circumstances.
O’Brien said that even if a prole began to question things and circumstances, there was enough propaganda to confuse him, so that nothing would ever change. However, there were sweeps and people were picked up from time to time. Winston’s mom disappeared when he was a child. So though there weren’t telescreens gauging every move for those not in the party, people still vanished, like in Soviet Russia.
I think my point was that when you tell people 1984 is coming true, or is already true (as I have done) they laugh and scoff and say “LOL no it isn’t”, not realising that they are just the proles and wouldn’t notice anyway.
As an aside…
What do you think of this news related to gold and silver? Is the part about abolishing income tax really true? I’m sure everyone will cheer for that. Often I would rather pay more tax just to avoid the paperwork.
This guy is usually pretty accurate. Years ago he predicted DOW to 40,000 when it was nowhere even close to the edge of the radar screen, so I think he’s pretty good.
Another thing…
People are getting their phones out at work and saying “I have to see what Trump’s done since I last checked”. It’s amazing. Biden was so pathetic in comparison.
Durable Goods data come in softer than expected, but ex-air, defense comes in better….
Core Durable Goods Orders (MoM) (Dec)
Act: 0.3% Cons: 0.4% Prev: -0.1%
Durable Goods Orders (MoM) (Dec)
Act: -2.2% Cons: 0.3% Prev: -2.0%
Durables Excluding Defense (MoM) (Dec)
Act: -2.4% Cons: Prev: -1.3%
Durables Excluding Transport (MoM) (Dec)
Act: 0.3% Cons: Prev: -0.1%
Goods Orders Non Defense Ex Air (MoM) (Dec)
Act: 0.5% Cons: 0.3% Prev: 0.9%
No biggies standing out with the housing price data this morning.
FHFA House Price Index (YoY) (Nov)
Act: 4.2% Cons: Prev: 4.5%
FHFA House Price Index (MoM) (Nov)
Act: 0.3% Cons: 0.4% Prev: 0.5%
FHFA House Price Index (Nov)
Act: 433.4 Cons: Prev: 432.3
S&P/CS HPI Composite – 20 s.a. (MoM) (Nov)
Act: 0.4% Cons: Prev: 0.4%
S&P/CS HPI Composite – 20 n.s.a. (MoM) (Nov)
Act: -0.1% Cons: Prev: -0.2%
S&P/CS HPI Composite – 20 n.s.a. (YoY) (Nov)
Act: 4.3% Cons: 4.2% Prev: 4.2%